One of the most critical tools for maintaining oral health and wellness is the toothbrush. Brushing the teeth after every meal is an effective way of removing food particles from the teeth and gums that might contribute to cavities or diseases. When patients of the Laguna Hills, CA area are looking to purchase a new toothbrush, they are often overwhelmed at the choices available in the local drugstore’s oral health aisle. Drs. Millard Roth, and Dr. Anand Parekh of Laguna Hills Dental can help patients choose the right toothbrush for their needs.
How much does a toothbrush cost?
A toothbrush can be inexpensive or expensive, depending on the type of toothbrush you are considering. A simple toothbrush can be purchased for a dollar or more, while electric toothbrushes can range in price significantly. We encourage patients to ask their dentist about what type of toothbrush is appropriate for their smiles.
What are some factors to consider when purchasing a new toothbrush?
- Size. There is a different size of toothbrush recommended for children versus adults, so be sure to purchase the toothbrush that is right for your needs.
- ADA seal of acceptance. Toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association will have a seal of acceptance, and the same applies to toothbrushes that meet their high standards of quality.
- Soft bristles. Patients will want to avoid any toothbrush with more rigid bristles which can cause more damage to the smile than prevention. Soft-bristled brushes are best.
- Rounded or straight bristles. Toothbrush bristles come in two shapes, including round and straight. For many, rounded bristles help in cleaning around the teeth and reducing irritation that might be caused by the use of straight bristles. Your dentist can guide you as to which is most appropriate for your smile.
- Manual vs. electric. There is much debate between manual and electric toothbrushes, and for many, it depends on personal preference. Electric toothbrushes can help patients who might otherwise struggle with thoroughly cleaning their teeth with a manual toothbrush and may be recommended for some patients with specific needs. Regardless of what type of toothbrush is chosen, patients should still brush for at least two minutes, twice a day, with proper technique.
Which toothbrush head is best?
The type of head for brushing will vary from style to style. A simple toothbrush can be disposed of and replaced with another, while electric toothbrushes often have interchangeable heads that can be purchased and replaced as required. Talk to your dentist about what type of toothbrush is best for your smile and your oral health concerns.
What toothbrush do dentists recommend?
The type of toothbrush recommended by our dentists will vary from patient to patient based on their oral health concerns. A patient that is struggling to maintain a healthy smile free from periodontal disease and cavities may be told to consider an electric toothbrush for more effective cleaning of the teeth. In contrast, a patient who is maintaining a healthy smile with a traditional, simple toothbrush may be told to continue doing what they’re doing to keep cavities and disease from developing.
How do I learn more about purchasing a new toothbrush?
If you are looking for a dentist in Laguna Hills who offers advice on buying a toothbrush, it is time to call Laguna Hills Dental to speak with Drs. Millard Roth, and Dr. Anand Parekh. Our team of professionals can guide you to the right purchase for your oral health and wellness. The office is located at 24741 Alicia Parkway, Suite A, and can be reached by phone for an appointment at (949) 855-0450.